The essays in the Zooming to the Border Report were written in the course of our three-month (August – October 2020) fact-finding project along the U.S.-Mexico border. They were written by members of the Zooming to the Border group in an effort to capture some of the richness and depth of knowledge that our panelists expressed in their own words, perceptions, and unambiguous passion for their work and for their region’s communities.
This report aims to highlight the voices and points of view of 27 grassroots activists, lawyers, social workers, and volunteers who live and work in the region. In their presentations, the panelists seek to illuminate what militarization of the border actually means today both for the region as well as for the country and shed light on what it has brought to daily life in their communities.
Whether through their descriptions of the living conditions and precarious support for asylum seekers today; or their analyses of the impact of current immigration and environmental policies; or their accounts of the ongoing struggles and of the impressive resilience of the border communities and their leaders, the picture that emerges is one of a region under siege, and at war.
And yet it is also a story of solidarities that proudly point not to defeat but to a determination to fight for justice, equity, and human rights every step of the way.
Please read and distribute widely to your networks.
Also please donate so that we can continue this effort of amplifying the voices of these leaders. Make your donation via PayPal, tribundelpueblo.org, and/or peoplestribune.org. Or mail your donation to P.O. Box 577250, Chicago, IL 60657-7331.
In solidarity,
Laura García, editor of the Tribuno del Pueblo
Bob Lee, editor of People’s Tribune