Has Obrador and the Mexican government turned its back on migrants?

In the United States, Mexican immigrants and their allies daily fight Trump’s immigration policies and its devastating effects on Mexican families and communities. Children in cages. Some 5,981 I-9 audits in fiscal year 2018. Within the past two months over 570,000 “no-match letters” were sent by Trump. Massive numbers of deportations of Mexicans and their families. Over 5.4 million at risk of deportation and living in the shadows with their families.

How can Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Mexican government – which has a significant sector of its population oppressed and suffering under Trump – turn around and do the same with immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras?

As part of its immigration crackdown, Obrador has ordered the deployment of 6,000 Mexican National Guard members to areas known to be immigration routes and along the border with Guatemala.

Mr. Porfirio Munoz Ledo, President of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies said in an interview with journalist Carmen Uriostegui, “We are with the mentality of a colonized country and regretted the attitude taken by Marcelo Ebrad, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretary, in negotiations with Washington.”

The move by Obrador sent the message to all of us that the Mexican government does not care for immigrants, whether they are foreign or domestic. The message, it’s clear, it is all about taking care of the corporations, foreign and domestic.

Obrador, which side are you on?

Your collusion with Trump is far too evident. It is incredible that Obrador uses the same tactics of oppression that Trump uses against immigrants here.

For decades, Mexican governments at least paid lip service to the treatment of Mexican immigrants in the United States. But, Obrador’s move to accept Trump’s immigration policies has put the final nail in the coffin. We can officially say Obrador and the Mexican government is not on our side.

We are angry with Trump and Obrador to the right degree and for the right reasons.