LUNA Emerges in Defense of Latino Rights

Since the 2007 presidential election, the Latino community has heard promises of comprehensive immigration reform. Obama has positioned himself at the center of the pro-Latino discourse with his praise of Latino contributions to this country. Despite boasting about economic contributions and recognition of Latino power, immigration reform has not been delivered and the government is surpassing records on deportations.

Six years have passed, and meanwhile the gridlock within a bi-partisan Congress is an impediment to consensus on proposed Senate legislation. Desolation and frustration come before the incoherence of the President’s discourse who on the one hand presents himself as the best of allies to Latinos; and on the other hand has broken records on deportations, with a daily average of 1000 and a total of 2 million.

As a result of a lack of political will in following through with promises to Latinos, the failure to meet basic necessities and to protect their rights, organizations are emerging and are becoming the voice of those who are forced to live in the shadows and in fear of being separated from their loved ones. LUNA, Latinos United for a New America, arises in response to the needs of the community as a grassroots organization that seeks to empower Latinos.

One of their campaigns includes the demand for integral and comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for close to 11.7 million undocumented individuals and the rejection of the Republican principles that seek to further militarize the border, legalization without a pathway to citizenship and increased employment verification through e-verify.

The power of the vote of the 52 million Latino, and the projection of their majority status in the United States by 2040, is evident; that is why LUNA, conscious of the fact that only 11.2 million out of 23.3 million eligible Latinos voted, will focus its efforts on creating consciousness on the importance of voting in electing candidates that will work to benefit Latinos and demanding that their needs are met.

LUNA is collaborating with recognized and prestigious activists with proven tract records, defenders of human rights and Bay Area professionals. The relevance of the organization is growing in the region and it has participated in coalitions, marches and campaigns to grow and unify voices to demand respect and justice in favor of immigrants.

If you wish to collaborate and join the movement in favor of Latinos,

please call:


or write to:

715 N 1st St #38
San José, CA 95112