Signs of political awakening

Automation, leveling of the middle class make socialism both necessary and possible

TRIBUNO: Nativo, today, under these conditions, do you see positive signs of political awakening, where people are seeing their common interests?

NATIVO: I do. I am actually optimistic in a strange, perverse way because of the leveling of the workforce under the Trump administration. It started earlier, from the policies of Carter continuing through Obama.

This process is the leveling and ruination of the middle class. They are compressing these people down. They can’t find comparable employment positions, or the wages and benefits that they previously enjoyed in unionized employment, and they are pissed off.

They are depressed, because those jobs are not coming back for two reasons – NAFTA is going to continue to take manufacturing jobs, notwithstanding what Trump has said, and automation.

Jobs that he would supposedly seek to bring back are being lost to automation. And, ironically, that’s a good thing, because people have more free time to develop their potential.

We are talking about socialism, and that’s the direction of automation where workers should have more free time, more leisure time — and that’s not going to happen in this capitalist society.