PHOTO: Jose Torres
The photo above shows migrants from different countries in line at a help center in McAllen, Texas. They crossed the border from Reynosa, Tamaulipas to Hidalgo, Texas. It’s expected that about 1,000 migrants a day will show up in each customs office. Criminal organizations are charging $500 per person (child or adult) to cross the Rio Bravo. If the migrant does not pay, they are in danger of beatings or even death, according to Telemundo.

PHOTO: Jose Torres
This photo shows Catholic Charities RGV, where the migrants are received. The bus driver says that before crossing into this country the migrants are tested for Covid-19. Then, at this center, they are tested again. So, Greg Abbot, the Texas governor, and his allies, are only lying in saying that these migrants and children are infected with the virus.