Pomona, California: Vote for Miranda Sheffield, a formidable rival

POMONA, CA – This city on the far eastern edge of Los Angeles County has long suffered from institutional neglect, poverty, and a reputation for crime and violence. To make matters worse, a family of institutional Democrats have a near stranglehold on local politics, holding seats in both Congress and on the city council.

Fortunately, voters will have a chance this November to support a candidate with a record of social movement involvement.

While District 6 incumbent Robert Torres is likely to receive the backing of his mother’s well-heeled union of comfortable government employees, he faces a formidable opponent in his rival’s insurgent, grassroots candidacy.

Miranda Sheffield not only has an impressive educational background, holding a Master’s in human rights law from the prestigious University of London, she also has a successful career advocating for sexually-exploited youth in the foster care system.

But what really drives her campaign is her history of organizing the community in support of Black Lives, militating for sensible housing policies such as rent control and just-cause eviction ordinances, social equity in the burgeoning cannabis industry, and a budget that de-emphasizes policing in favor of social services.

Find out more and at www.MirandaSheffield.com, and tune into her weekly broadcast on IG live “Mondays with Miranda” @miranda4pomona!