She advances the needs of the poor over corporate Democrats

María Estrada’s campaign has statewide and national significance in exposing corporate Democrats. South East Los Angeles’ 63rd Assembly District is one of the poorest in California. Having sabotaged the Health Care for All bill, assembly speaker Anthony Rendon now is intentionally withholding information from the community for a corporate privatization of the Central Municipal Basin Water District. If successful, California’s water will be up for corporate grabs.
Estrada’s challenge to Rendon exposes the Democratic Party’s stranglehold on California. Unlike Rendon, her campaign is grassroots, anti-corporate, anti-corruption, and anti-Party establishment. An activist who was born and raised in the 63rd, Estrada won 46 percent of the vote in 2018 after spending $5,000 to Rendon’s $500,000.
Rendon’s tactics of sabotage are notorious: support bills when running for re-election, (such as Health Care for All), secure support and money (the Nurses Union, Teachers Union and other statewide organizations) then use the powerful position as Speaker to kill legislation that wealthy corporations are against. His district – with the highest rates of uninsured children, uninsured adults, cases of lung cancer, leukemia and environmental asthma and which is poisoned by Excide Chemical – would have highly benefitted from Health Care for All.