Thousands of migrants stuck in the border

The Valley of Tears continues to be the same regarding the possibility of our brothers and sisters from Central America being able to apply for political asylum.
Their hope of acquiring political asylum someday dimmed last September 11, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of President Trump that the government could impose new rules denying political asylum to those migrants who did not previously request it in the countries they traveled through on their way to the United States.
Recently, a human and civil rights attorney stated that in Reynosa, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, around the shelters where hundreds of Hondurans, Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Cubans and Mexicans wait for their appointments for political asylum with U.S.A. immigration, they kidnapped and held hostage until their relatives pay ransom money for their release.

In fact, migrants are not the only ones in danger of abduction. On August 3, Father Aarón Méndez Ruiz, director of the Casa del Migrante AMAR in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, was abducted. Allegedly a criminal group came to kidnap Cuban migrants in the shelter and when Father Ruiz refused to let them take the migrants, they took him instead. To date, his whereabouts are unknown.
This is a result of the policies the Trump administration’s slowly developing fascist policies. They are blaming a section of the population for the economic problems of this capitalist system.
Cheap labor is no longer needed because of robots and computers. This is one of the main reasons that migrants worldwide are trapped at the borders of rich and poor countries.
For example, 20,000 migrants are trapped at the border between El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. These migrants cannot return home because death from either hunger or violence awaits them. So, they’re stuck at the border. Migrants are the unwanted people of the capitalist world.
This production system of robots and computers does not coincide with the capitalist economic system, keystone of which is the relationship between capitalists and workers. Workers sell their ability to work to the corporations; the corporations sell the services and products to the workers, and so the cycle goes on and on. But without work, the worker has no money and without money the worker cannot buy. The system collapses.
The rich/capitalists blame us for their economic problems by agitating a section of North American society. They tell the white workers we are criminals, drug pushers, rapists, etc. These are all lies meant to divide us, and they continue in power.
We the people are the ones who build everything and, in reality, we do not need the rich/capitalists. With all the new technology in our hands we can live in the “paradise” that we so much pray for daily. That can be accomplished here on Earth. We must not let ourselves be divided because a divided people will never triumph.
The future of this world is in our hands. We must educate our people as to who the real enemy is and construct a new system based on our necessities. The solution is to gain political power in this country. Till Victory!