Tribuno del Pueblo Fundraiser for October, 2019

Attacks against migrants in transit, on the border, and in the interior of the United States are increasingly voracious. But the pro-migrant / immigrant movement is also gaining strength.
The demands of the people are being heard:
No separation of families!
Defund ICE!
Close the detention centers!
No raids!
The Tribuno has been there, in demonstrations, marches and protests to spread the word of this pro-migrant / immigrant movement.
This year your donations helped send correspondents to the Mexico-U.S border. Our correspondents challenge the corporate press narrative and bring us the real voices and demands of the combatants.
Be part of this movement. Join the cause of: No human being is illegal.
Please make a donation. $5 a month, $ 10 a month, or what you can for 12 months.
Your donation will help spread the voices of the pro immigrant/migrant movement far and wide to keep pressuring our politicians to adhere to the demands of the people.
To send your donation via PayPal, please visit our Donations Page.
Or send your check / money order by mail to
Tribuno del Pueblo, P.O. Box 3524, Chicago, IL 60654
As a thank you gift for a $25 donation, we will send you a Tribuno del Pueblo T-shirt with our logo and the slogan, No human being is illegal!

Thank you!