Since the mass shooting in Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL on Feb 14, tens of thousands, mainly youth, have being marching and protesting against gun violence. All these protests culminated with the March for our Lives in D.C. on March 24.
PHOTOS: United We Dream, March for Our Lives Facebook, KMH Photovideo, Michael E. Miller, and Fresno and Long Beach, CA Tribuno del Pueblo corrspondents
On March 24, immigrant youth will march in solidarity with the courageous survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and with students across the country who are calling on Congress to protect the lives of young people and communities by enacting stricter gun control laws.

Camila Duarte, high school student and immigrant youth leader at United We Dream – Florida, said:
“The shooting in Parkland hit home. My friend’s brother was one of the victims at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and I can’t express just how much this has affected our whole community. Parents of the victims are grieving, and some are so depressed that they can’t find the energy to go back to their jobs and their everyday life.

“And all the while, we, the students, have been watching as politicians say that gun control laws will do nothing to prevent these tragedies or ignore our pain altogether. And we have just one thing to say: We are fed up!
“As youth of color and immigrants, we’ve been through so much hate, emotional abuse and violence in this last year from the Muslim ban, to the termination of DACA, to budget cuts at our schools. We will not stay silent.

“Today, my classmates and I organized a Remembrance Walk at my school to honor the lives of those affected by this tragedy and to express our outrage at the apathy in Congress.

“We will take action again on March 24th, when immigrant youth at United We Dream will follow the leadership of the courageous students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who are organizing a national day of action, the March for Our Lives. We will take the streets together because we believe in a future where everyone can feel safe in their schools and in their homes.”