Editor’s Note

Narcotic Economy


While seeing U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump talk to reporter Jorge Ramos like a dog outraged Latinos and decent Americans, many in the U.S. have been fooled into thinking he has some kind of solution to their problems. The idea of a strong man persona with answers and a fascist appeal is presented as if it were common sense.

Can the issue of immigration be used to further divide Americans who are struggling in the new economy and make them think Latino immigrants are the cause of their misery? Can this issue be used to divert attention away from the real economic and political problems the country faces? This country certainly faces a crossroads, and we have to fight to make sure they take the right path – – not one of hatred and division but one of unity.

What is needed is a different kind of society, a cooperative one where the needs of people are protected and fulfilled. What is important is human beings, not borders. Of course, countries such as Mexico need their own sovereignty protected, but people, not just business enterprises, should be able to flow freely across the border.