Abril 8, 1953 – octubre 30, 2014
Rodolfo Chavez was born on April 8, 1953 in Yuridia, Guanajuato, Mexico. Rodolfo graduated from the Universidad de Queretaro with a civil engineering degree in 1973. Rodolfo immigrated to Chicago in 1991.
No human being lives in isolation. The significance of any life is described not only by their times and social struggles, but by why and how they choose to relate to them.
What describes Rodolfo best is his internationalism, i.e. as soon as Rodolfo got his bearings in Chicago, he joined the fight here in the U.S. for a better society not only for his immigrant community but also for all workers.
Rodolfo, together with his wife Sarahi, was a familiar figure in demonstrations, marches and meetings.
He joined the Tribuno del Pueblo editorial board in 1993. He joined the effort to produce a press whose aim is to be “a vehicle to bring the movement together to create a vision of a better world.”
In 2006, after the presidential electoral fraud in Mexico where the election was stolen from Lopez Obrador, he and Sarahi took to the airwaves and established Radio la Nueva Republica. They used their radio program as a platform to speak out against Calderon’s fraud. He was a committed member of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America and a proud member of SEIU Local 25.
But if there was anything that lighted his life, and brought a smile to his face, it was his son Toño. In every conversation Rodolfo always took time to talk about his son Toño. He was amazed at Toño’s skills as a swimmer and polo player. He never missed a practice or a swimming tournament, unless he was working. Thanks to his father’s support, Toño has won first place in swimming at Sheridan Park in the last two years.
As Sarahi describes her life with Rodolfo, “He was a compañero in the struggle, good husband and father. He was the best tutor Toño has ever had.” His friends and comrades described him as a good friend and comrade. In all circles he was known for his frank and direct manner.
Comrade Rodolfo has left us. He leaves us with the legacy of a principled, unyielding revolutionary. We shall miss him, his warm comradeship, his intelligence and his devotion to the revolution. But life goes on, and in the words of those who, over the years have buried their comrades and continued the fight, we say, “Rest well, Comrade, the fight will go on until we win!”
In honor of Rodolfo’s life please make a donation to the Tribuno del Pueblo, tribunodelpueblo.org, via paypal.