Envisioning a Society Where Children Grow Up Safe

Envisioning a Society Where Children Grow Up Safe photo


On March 16, 2014 Albuquerque police used excessive force when they shot and killed James Boyd, a 38- year- old homeless man who had been camping out in the foothills. A video of the incident has gone viral on the Internet.  What follows is an interview about the incident with Emma Sandoval, a community organizer with SWOP (Southwest Organizing Project) based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


TRIBUNO DEL PUEBLO:  What has been the response of people to the James Boyd murder?

EMMA SANDOVAL: There have been pretty large protests; candle light vigils and a large turn out to a city council meeting. People are angry because they don’t feel safe. Two more people have been shot by the police since this incident, one died and the other was shot but he didn’t die.

TP:  What are some of the conditions that may be contributing to how the police are acting?

ES:  We have a large population of communities of color and poverty here. We’re at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to hunger, education and health care. There is a lot of racial profiling.  I am raising a 5-year-old child. It’s kind of scary as a parent that you have to teach your child to be worried about the police.

TP:  What do you feel is the next step?

ES:  I think the Albuquerque Police Department needs new stewardship. Police have been using excessive force in our communities for 10 years. The police department needs to be overhauled.  Police who have committed these murders should be held accountable, and charged for the murders they committed.

TP:  What kind vision do you have of a new society that wouldn’t have these things going on?

ES:  As a parent I envision a society where my son can grow up feeling safe, where police live up to their mission of protecting and serving for all communities.