The Role of Young People Today

We thank the authors of the essays on these pages for joining the battle of ideas. Last year Professor Brandee Strickland requested that the Tribuno del Pueblo publish essays from these young people. The board agreed to, and asked that they comment on their aspirations for their generation. Below are excerpts from their essays. The full text of their articles will be on our website,

We know there’s a new powerful movement rising, based on the interests of those who are forced out of the system into poverty. This movement is worldwide and is demanding that corporate governments be replaced by a true people’s government that provides the abundance, now produced with the new methods of production, to all based on need.

We also know that whether this movement wins or not will depend on the struggle to win the hearts and minds of the people. In this spirit the pages of the Tribuno are open to those who have joined this fight.

Who are these youths?

In fall 2013, students of Spanish 405 at the University of Calgary, Canada and students of “UdeC English Online” at the Universidad de Concepción, Chile, participated in an online exchange, including a bilingual blog, email and Skype contact, and intercultural peer editing.  They worked together to produce these bilingual essays, expressing their aspirations for young people today.   –Brandee Strickland, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Calgary and instructor of English at the Universidad de Concepción