Education must serve the people

The corporations years ago declared a “crisis” in education and set about “reforming” the system to suit their needs. The only thing they care about is training the small high-tech workforce that they need to make money, and profiting from the $1.3 trillion education “market.”

Parents, teachers and students are rightly concerned about the future of the young generation. How are they going to be able to support themselves, when being trained for a job when the jobs are disappearing doesn’t offer anyone a future.

The first step in putting our education system on the right track is to guarantee everyone food, housing and health care so they can learn. At the same time, we need to nationalize education in the interests of the people. By this we mean a publicly owned education system that provides education all the way through college and beyond for free. And a system that guarantees all the funding necessary for every school to serve every student.

This will help us reach our ultimate goal – a cooperative society, where all our needs are met, and where we can truly begin exploring the potentials of humanness.