Coordinadora 13: Children’s Crusade

Children’s Crusade


Familia Latina Unida invites and petitions pastors and community leaders to join with us in a “Children’s Crusade”. It is a critical time to make our voices heard in

the immigration debate and we have joined with grassroots organizations and churches across the nation to form the “Coordinanora 13”. After a careful analysis of the current immigration debate in Congress, we are convinced that Immigration Reform will not work if millions of the undocumented are left out.

We announce today a campaign to gather the voices and letters of the children of the undocumented across the nation and in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean demanding an immediate moratorium on deportations and maximum inclusion in legalization.


We have joined together across the nation to inject the voice of the undocumented in the debate because of the increasing “politicization” of both parties trying to gain advantage in the next election. We face the danger that the President and the Democrats will continue the devastating deportations to broaden their base to their right—while killing inclusive legislation on the “cross of citizenship” in order to blame Republicans going into the midterm elections. We face the danger that Republicans—and some democrats— will make it so difficult to qualify for legalization that millions would remain in the shadows, families would continue to be torn apart and very little would be accomplished. Immigration reform will not work if it does not work for all the undocumented!