Petition to the President Barack Obama

Dear President Barack Obama:

With this letter I am requesting your support to approve a human and fair immigration reform. The United States of America is a country formed by many immigrants all around the world. The majority of immigrants respect the laws in this country, they are hard working and good people. They came to this country without legal papers looking for a better life, free and prosperous. Something their country could not give them.  The House of Representatives, The Senate and you have to agree to resolve this immigration situation that is affecting millions of undocumented immigrants. Democrats and Republicans have put their differences and change our immigration system that is broken and a failure. Pass immigration laws that recognize immigrants who contribute to our country. The repressive measure, the safe communities programs criminalizes immigrants, separates families, deports millions of people, and it causes fear, mistrust and terror in our communities. It does not resolve the immigration problem. No human being is Illegal. We need a human and fair immigration reform. Thank you for your support.