Leaders of Tomorrow

Eastern Coachella Valley, CA—After “Deferred Action” was initiated, it became a goal for community leaders to help assist those within communities to make the process of obtaining work permits as accessible as possible. In communities, like those in the Eastern Coachella Valley, resources, such as the consulate or lawyers that focus on immigration, lack availability.

Leaders of Tomorrow is one of the organizations in the Coachella Valley that are composed of youth leaders whom take on the task to help their community obtain work permits. With the unity of students, workers, and community groups such as Leaders of Tomorrow, an information fair for undocumented people became available. The planning and organizing for Leaders of Tomorrow initiated in the summer of 2012.

After months of planning the informational fair was set to be in Enterprise Way, Coachella Ca. on August 18, 2012. The informational fair consisted of an immigration lawyer from Los Angeles, named Russell Marco Jauregui, to give an overview of the “Deferred Action” and a Q&A with members of the Eastern Coachella Valley.

There was also informational booths of different organizations that could assist the community. With this collaboration of community members, a successful event in the community of the Eastern Coachella Valley became possible.