Occupy Riverside

For almost two months, the Latino Forum has been meeting Saturdays at 10:30 at University and Main to bring attention to the issues of the Latino community. The Forum has members from El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, and Bolivia. Some of the issues that have stood out in their discussions are education, economic insecurity, and immigration.

A fiesta was held in December to celebrate and recognize the contributions of the Latino community. About 50 people and their families gathered, many bearing traditional foods to share, not only with each other, but also with the homeless and hungry.

A painter showed his work, and the group Son Real played Andean and Mexican music.

Despite the membership of numerous immigrant rights activists since the Occupy Riverside began, today’s gathering marked the first time that Occupy Riverside has joined forces with the immigrant rights movement. When Occupy Riverside chanted “Aquí estamos y no nos vamos,” (“We’re here and we’re not leaving!”) this chant took on a new meaning in light of the eviction of our  encampment. And while immigrant rights are often a controversial issue in our area, the public was sympathetic to pro-legalization and anti-deportation messages. There was also recognition that the immigrant community is part of the 99%.