Take over the corporations!

The question is simple: Are we going to live under corporate domination, or will we have a free and prosperous society of, by and for the people?

The corporations are destroying society in their scramble to grab everything they can to stay alive and profit. We either take them over and run them in the interests of society, or we perish.

The merging of the corporations with the government has created a corporate state to protect and accumulate more property, wealth, power and privilege for a shrinking capitalist class at all costs. They are not fit to rule. We are at the fork in the road.

One fork is founded in the vision of the corporate few, whose success is at the expense of the many. This fork leads to a constant lowering of living standards, increased poverty and outright destitution for the many, with no health care, housing or education and the death and destruction of ecological disasters and war around the world. It also leads to police repression and fascism.

The other fork expresses itself in a global movement that is beginning to take shape in opposition to the corporations.

Its activity is spreading. In the United States, the Occupy Wall Street protest, a key recent expression of this movement, has spread to more than 1400 communities and cities across the country and is growing. Its potential is sustained by a youthful core that knows the system has no place or future for them. Only the creation of a commonly shared vision for a new society — a new future now made possible by the marvels of electronic technology — can sustain the potential of this movement for the long run.

A society constructed in the interests of the vast majority would provide food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education and meaningful existence to all of society. Such a society is not possible without taking over the corporations and running them in the interests of society.

We need to hold our government accountable to take this step and if necessary, create a government that will do so.

The economic revolution is producing the early stages of a social revolution. Eventually the social movements that are taking shape around the world will begin to express themselves politically. Politics is about power. We need the power to determine our future in this new age of electronic production.

The definition of power is the ability to determine outcomes. Building the power to confront the power, to take the power and finally, to use the power to create a new society will be a long, difficult struggle. There will be advances and setbacks before a final victory. Yet, we have no other option. Either we take over the corporations, or they will take over us.