The Talk About a ‘Tequila Party’

We need a new party. But one for the whole working class, not just Latinos.

Headlines have appeared in major mainstream media about the forming of a “Tequila Party.” This party is not a crazy idea coming from some college students. It’s a serious proposal coming from some Latino leaders in the Democratic Party.

What is the ‘Tequila Party’? The midterm elections in November and the failure of Congress to pass the Dream Act in December disappointed many Latinos who feel abandoned by the Democrat Party.

To tap into this dissatisfaction and channel it into a political force, Latino leaders in Nevada and elsewhere are reportedly considering severing their ties to the Democratic Party entirely and forming an independent grassroots group called the “Tequila Party.”

According to proponents, the idea is to tap into the rising voting power of Latinos in order to push for immigration reform and other legislation that Democrats have failed to deliver.

On the surface, this idea might sound good to some. It’s a fact that there is rising dissatisfaction, not only in the Democratic but also in the Republican Party. A poll conducted in October by the Pew Research Center found more voters now identify themselves as independents (37 percent), than as Democrats (34 percent), or Republicans (29 percent). It’s clear that the two party system is failing.

But, a Tequila Party, one based on fighting for only an ethnic agenda of Latinos won’t be enough as it is not inclusive enough to bring the change we need.

First, the undocumented status of some of our working-class sisters and brothers is not the problem of only one ethnic group, but rather of all of the working class in this country.

And because the ruling class is using the so-called illegality of the undocumented worker to attack the standard of living of all workers, you cannot pay one worker less and not expect this won’t pull down to the wages of all workers. Also, it’s the long-standing tactic of the ruling class to use the immigrant issue to divide the working class against itself in times of economic crisis.

Most important, we are one working class, from different national, religious, and ethnic groups. Our common bond is the selling of our labor power to feed and house and shelter ourselves and our families.

A new political party is needed. But it must be a political party that can represent the interests of the workers, a party that includes all of us, regardless of papers, a party centered on the agenda and program of those who have the least among us. Only by taking care of the needs of the least among us can we in the working class be sure that we will not be divided against ourselves, with everyone’s needs unmet and interests harmed.